Week 24 is actually the commencement of this course going forth in my everyday life from here on with the completion of this course. It’s been  a week of learning how to master the Law of Least effort. It’s been a struggle with this one but I’m confident that I will master it with practice. I’m happy to have actually come to the finish line with this course, and now the new thoughts and habits will definitely crystallize as each day, week, year passes by. I don’t have that much to say in this blog other than I thank Paul,my certified guide, Mark J and Devene, all of the other fantastic Blogs that I read that were so inspiring. I enjoyed being involved in our mastermind groups. I felt like I was a part of a special family. It really takes a lot of courage to do something that you believe in when others are so opposed to what you’re doing. I know that my true authentic self will come out in full bloom with constant work and persistence. I will highly recommend this course to anyone who wants something more out of their life. It already has changed my way of thinking for the better.

MKMMA Week Twenty

Check out the truth in this blog

My Master Keys Experience

Aloha nui:) We’re at week 20 of our MKMMA na’au/soul-opening adventure and it has definitely been a continuous ride of wonder, releasing of old habits, death, re-birth, accepting new habits, expansion of self, lovingly embracing myself as I AM natures greatest miracle. Our daily blueprint-building ha’awina ho’oma’ama’a/lessons/exercises has become wonderful habits in my daily life…mahalo piha!!!

fullsizerender-6Being the observer each week in the Franklin Makeover: week 7, my word is Discipline. Webster’s Dictionary: Discipline, noun, 1. training that develops self-control, character, or efficiency. 2. the result of such training; orderly conduct. 3. submission to authority and control. 4. a particular system of rules or methods. 5. treatment that corrects or punishes. Always in training  particularly in our daily ha’awina ho’oma’ama’a. Mahalo to my mentor, Jim Tait, in challenging me in mastering the sit for this next week 20 minutes a day. Hiki no!

fullsizerender-5The Master Key – Part…

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As this course is winding down to the final stretch, Week 23 has been a week of more and more discovery. Every week that has passed and come to this point has made me more observant of myself. This week we are supposed to implement the Law of Least Effort into our daily lives. I liken this experience to that of being a farmer tilling the soil for the upcoming harvest in order to plant the fruit and flowers in their garden. I used to do this every year when I lived in Charlotte, N.C. I can remember never relishing that time of the year because it called for a lot of physical work. Even though by doing this, the results of my efforts produced beautiful flowers and fruits and vegetables that were eaten and some preserved in mason jars that could be eaten in the winter time. I just disliked doing the work because while I working, I could hear my friends playing outside and having a good time while I labored in the yard preparing the soil.

I used this scenario as an example because all through the course I’ve been tilling the soil (my mind) so I can reap the benefits of a good harvest ( the future me) and let the beauty of the flowers (harmony, happiness, wealth, good health) shine out for me to experience as well as being of benefit to others (being of service). Some things were happily discovered while other things were discovered after experiencing frustration, anxiety, and discomfort. In order to make this happen I had to till the soil and then take a rake (Masterkey Experience lessons, Flash Cards, The Sit, The Greatest Salesmen, Blueprint Builder, DMP, Positive Mental Attitude, Plan of Action, Mastermind Alliance) to separate the weeds, rocks, etc.. (former thoughts beliefs, actions, behaviour) and get rid of these things so I can enjoy a bountiful harvest.

Although I did this in N.C., I never did it with a happy knack! I can’t explain it throughly, but all I know is that the moment I embraced this Law of Least effort I felt this big rock disappear from my shoulders! Accepting people, circumstances, situations, was like the personification of a Large individual equipped with array of weapons, busting in a room crowded with  folks called fear, doubt, frustration, and forcefully telling them that they must vacate the premises immediately or else! I can see all these folks in the room angry and terrified. They put up a fierce fight, but in the end they surrendered and waved the white flag. It was like they were making their last stand just like the 300 Spartans did with the Persians.

I watched Joseph Campbell”s video about Mythology, and it put a lot of things in perspective for me and peeled off some more of that Fear cement. You see, ever since I was about 14yrs old, I always had an obsession with mythology. Now I can remember going to church from the age of about 7 or 8. Back then the only concept that was ever discussed in the household was man’s spiritual connection to Jesus Christ and God (which I still truly believe), but I was always felt that it was wrong of me to hold as much interested in Mythology as I held in my Sunday school teachings. Now I find out that what I was doing was doing was OK. Also was my fascination with Nature. I never realized how much I was already consciously connected to nature and it’s abundance. People from the city always made jokes about me being a “country guy”. For some reason I always loved the smell of grass, trees, the sound of birds, crickets and the smell of the morning dew. So too, I never realized until I listened to Joseph Campbell how much I was really fascinated with the Hero’s Journey. The character in a particular story went through all kinds of obstacles to finally realize their true self and purpose in life. I was always fascinated with the reluctant hero at their beginning, first undertaking the journey and the amazing transformation that occurred after they encountered the abyss and came out transformed to their higher self. So too was I fascinated at the person who had a dream and never gave up until  their dream became a reality. I now see that it was my true desire all the time since I was 14 to encounter that same experience.

Now SINCE I realize that this course is a commencement to the future me that I always yearned for, I can RELAX and enjoy achieving what I set out to do with a happy knack. I know that there will be obstacles to overcome, but now I welcome them for they now are my challenge. It’s not about, “what do I do now that the course is finished, or I didn’t accomplish everything I said I was going to do”. Now, it’s no more trying to fit in the world without, but following my heart, trusting myself, and going after my true purpose, and living a life with purpose. It just seems more like a fantastic adventure full of wonder and surprise , and LIFE

. It is now like me being 10yrs. old again thinking that anything I want to do is possible. So now I let Fear wave the white flag of defeat.




As I commence to write this week 22A blog, I see myself on this spaceship called the FUTURE ME EXPRESS. I commenced this journey almost 6 months ago. The planet that I launched from is called the Old Me. While I am on this ship, I get flashbacks on what it took to get a ticket to embark on this journey. In that moment of lift-off I kept  wondering, “what new worlds would I find?” Am I going to get lost in Space? What happens if I run out of fuel? Is this new place going to be an inhabitable place? What will I put in my reports? I remember all that energy my ship expended to escape the gravitational pull of the OLD ME planet. I was provided with certain tools and equipment only (masterkey experience lessons, greatest salesman, blueprint builder, DMP, flash cards, affirmations). Every week I was instructed to be an observer and log all this information in this computer that was just called MIND. I then asked, “well where’s my crew?” I was told that I would be making this journey alone, but I would only have contact with mission control (webcasts, certified guide, Masterkey alliances, workbook).

Now since I was out in this vast universe (abyss), and admiring the beauty that I was witnessing, I started experiencing weightlessness, and said to myself, “this is really cool!” I then realized that while I was on planet OLD ME, the gravity (OLD HABITS, THOUGHTS, BEHAVIOUR) made me expend more energy, kept me in a chaotic state of mind, and anxiety. I remembered many a time while I was on my old planet, I would always look up in the sky and wonder how it would feel if I could just take that journey. Some friends that I knew that I kept in contact with via holographic imagery said that they were where I was at one point in their life but decided not to be the reluctant hero anymore and eliminated that moment of hesitation and indecision and just went for it. Since they took the journey, we could only communicate through holographic imaging since they actually weren’t on he same planet I was still on anymore! They told me how happy they now were on this new planet. They also remarked about how all the things that tried to do and experience on that old planet now worked flawlessly on this new planet. I thought that this call was only reserved for people who were chosen to take this journey, but mission control told me that what I thought was only some misinformation that spread like wildfire throughout the planet. They informed me that this journey is available to anyone who chooses to accept this invitation!

Once I developed a level of consciousness after really understanding what this statement meant, I started to work hard to meet the requirements that would make me eligible to take this journey. It didn’t happen overnight because I didn’t realize how much baggage I had to leave behind in order to make this journey.

At this point in my adventurous space exploration, I’m noticing that my instruments are letting know that I’m almost there to planet FUTURE ME. BOY, am I really getting excited!



It’s week 22 now, and it has truly been an unbelievable experience up to now filled with wonder, discovery, frustration, and humility. When I started this journey I was like a novice technician trying diagnose an electrical problem with an appliance without any real knowledge of 24 volt circuitry, and not having proper tools to use in order to fix the problem, along with a lot of sheer guesswork and ineptitude and zero experience. Now some folks will convince themselves that they can still pull this feat off by attempting to proceed to fix the appliance anyway even though they know  they don’t have the know-how, but their ego says “go ahead you can do it. You really don’t want to let anyone know that you can’t do it”. Well I think you know what usually happens next, disaster. Then you have some folks that are smart enough to realize that they don’t have the know-how nor the tools to complete such a task successfully and call for help.

Well when it came to making the decision to take this course I fall into the category of the second group of folks.  Sometimes it can be difficult to be brutally honest with yourself by admitting that there are some things that need changing, but every time you make an attempt it always winds back to square one, not knowing that a decision has already been made in the subconscious, even though consciously you’ve made a decision to change certain things you do. When I realized I couldn’t commit to change by myself I knew I needed some assistance. And Boy , did I get assistance!  I’ve started becoming that electrical technician who can properly diagnose any electrical problem in an appliance by (1) finding the cause, (2)having the right tools, (3) fixing the problem.

Having the right tools makes all the difference in the world. Now I have the ability and the tools to expand my comfort zone by embracing, FEAR, UNWORTHINESS, GUILT, ANGER, HURT FEELINGS, instead of avoiding them which is huge. By being the observer of yourself and how you react in any situation that will induce any of these what I call “pitfalls or stumbling blocks” and taking that intense energy and redirecting it into positive energy is huge. I have started implementing this practice into my daily life, and guess what? It actually works!

This morning started out disastrously,(or so I thought). It was payday today, and guess what? I didn’t get paid! What happened next was a sudden array of 2 distinct feelings: Fear, Anger. Now mind you this happened after my morning sit and reading of The Greatest Salesman. Fear eked in because I had bills that had to be paid, and I was angry because I was saying “why me?”. Now this lasted about 2 minutes because I realized that this could be a defining moment to excercise this practice of redirecting this negative energy into constructive energy. I actually calmed down, and remembered what it said in scroll #2 : I welcome obstacles for they are my challenge. After that I sent an email of encouragement for a speedy recovery to one of the guides in MKMMA who is ill at the time. I then continued my readings with more intensity and calmly said, ” everything’s going to be ok”. Sure enough, everything was resolved, and without going into a lot of detail, my fiance’ benefited from this experience by receiving money for herself from this so-called “disaster!” I realized that I was becoming that character Yosemite Sam who

was telling Bugs Bunny, “look rabbit, I don’t get upset anymore”, and has these 3 gentlemen hit, kick, and throw pies in his face without him getting upset anymore.

As each day comes and goes, I know I will get better and better through practice, and observing myself. I never would have thought that I would actually get excited whenever I see myself getting ready to go through what I call negative feelings and relishing how I can use them to my advantage! When I have the Masterkey Lessons, Blueprint Builder, The Greatest Salesman, Flashcards, DMP, my Affirmations, Masterminding with people in the Mastermind Alliance center along with masterminding with friends, all these are powerful tools that I have at my disposal. I am now becoming that technician.